Egg Donation

What is Egg Donation?

Egg donation (transplantation) refers to a treatment method with extremely high success rate applied for prospective mothers failing to have pregnancy. In this method, the eggs collected from healthy donors with substantial ovarian reserves are transformed to embryos by fertilizing with the sperms taken from the father or the donor. The developed embryos are then transplanted to the mother’s uterus through in-vitro fertilization method.

Who are eligible for egg donation?

• The women failing to have pregnancy for any reason (including genetic Turner Syndrome and Gonadal Dysgenesis)
•The women with genetic diseases
•The women experiencing menopause regardless of healthy uterus
•The women passed an ovarian surgery (for reasons such as cancer, endometriosis or infection)
•The women with damaged uterus due to chemotherapy/radiotherapy or the women with lost egg cells
•The aged women failing to have sufficient ovarian reserve and quality for pregnancy
•The women with decreased ovarian reserve at a young age
•The women with repetitive failures in IVF procedures

How is the egg donation performed?

In donation process, the similar procedures with IVF are applied. The couple is asked for medical screening prior to treatment. Particularly, certain tests and examinations would be required to determine the hormonal state.

In addition, the prospective father is asked for sperm test (spermiogram) and the prospective mother is asked for uterus x-ray. By such assessments, the prospective parents are prepared for the treatment. The menstrual cycles of prospective mother and donor are synchronized with various medications. In other words, both parties are ensured to experience menstrual cycles in the same period.

As the egg donor’s uterus expends, medication is given to the prospective mother in order to keep estrogen at a certain level. By the time when all eggs are collected from the donor, the prospective mother’s spouse gives sperm samples and the collected eggs are transformed to embryos by fertilizing with this sperm.

The development of embryos is monitored regularly. By the fifth day, 2 or 3 embryos are transferred to the prospective mother’s uterus at blastocyst level. The procedure is concluded with the pregnancy test (beta HCG) to be conducted on blood within 12 days after transfer procedure.

Egg Donation Treatment Process

The examination and test procedures required prior to treatment shall be informed in detail to your side.

The Test Required from Prospective Mother:

FSH, LH, E2, PRL and AMH tests required to be conducted during the 2nd or 3rd day in menstrual cycle of prospective mother

Pelvic USG and HSG radiography for assessing the uterus of prospective mother

TSH, T3, T4, Fasting Blood Glucose, Urea, SGPT and SGOT

HbsAg, Anti-HBC total, Anti-HCV, HIV and VDRL tests

Blood Group Analysis

Smear Test

*** It is obligatory for prospective mothers above 45 years to obtain the pregnancy approval report from Internal Diseases and Cardiology specialists.

In addition to the above mentioned tests, further details are requested from prospective mother such as the last date of menstrual period, the month of treatment and height, weight, occupation details for donor matching and 2-3 passport photos.

The Tests Required from Prospective Father:

Blood Group Analysis

Spermiogram Analysis (recommended after 3-day of sexual abstinence)

HbsAg, Anti-HBC total, Anti-HCV, HIV and VDRL tests

After the tests and examinations are assessed by our doctors, a special treatment program is scheduled for you. The treatment process and medication dosage are determined by our doctors in accordance with ultrasound results.

You may start your treatment in any intended time if you are in the menopause period. If not, then a different treatment procedure is scheduled by considering recipient and donor synchronization. The treatment procedure of selected donor starts with the treatment of prospective mother. As the egg samples are collected from the donor, fertilization procedure is initiated by collecting sperm samples from prospective father. The father would visit our hospital only for a day for sperm donation.

The embryos fertilized within 5 days following egg donation are then transferred to the mother’s uterus, which is a painless procedure. The pregnancy test is performed and relevant results are obtained within 12 days upon transfer procedure.

How are the donors are selected exclusively for you?

We consider donor selection as the most important phase in terms of patient sensitivity. Therefore, we work with the approach of “healthy donors”, egg quantity and egg quality during the selection phase.

Egg donors are young and fertile individuals examined for infectious diseases (HBS Ag, Anti-HBc, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV1, Anti-HIV2, VDRL-RPR, HTLV-I/II Antibody, Cytomegalovirus, Syphilis and Chlamydia), genetic diseases (Karyotype analysis, sickle cell, cystic fibrosis and thalassemia scanning), blood groups and Rh states.

Furthermore, sociocultural characteristics, occupation, appearance and private life of the donors are assessed under strict regulations.

The physical properties of donors such as skin color, eye color, hair color and physical form are determined in similar to the recipient during donor selection phase.

Do the babies born after egg donation have similar characteristics with the donor?

The mothers create a bond with the baby born through egg donation. A half of baby’s genes is rooted in the father. Since the mother’s RNA is reflected directly, the baby would resemble the mother in terms of certain attitudes, behaviors, dislikes and mental characteristics.

The women becoming pregnant through egg donation experience all hormonal changes during and following the birth. The maternal instinct and the bond established with the baby resemble the women having pregnancy in natural ways.

Success Rate in Egg Donation

High quality eggs are collected if the donor is free from infertility issues. For this reason, there are better success rates in comparison to conventional applications for the eggs and sperms of couples.

Our team of doctors achieved the success rate of over 80% by means of stated applications.

Please fill out the communication form for your questions on this process and we will call back.